A cross sectional area m 2 mm 2 ft 2 in 2 Some typical Sections and their Radius of Gyration Rectangle - with axis in center. The formula is generic and any unit can be used. Rectangular Tube Section Formulas Mechanical Engineering Design Civil Engineering Design Physics And Mathematics If it is a beam Squarerectangle in shape then it will require the moment of inertia and the distance of the outer fibres from its neutral axes. . Flexural rigidity definition and formula. Therefore application of the above formula for the rectangular cross-section results in the following expression for elastic section modulus around x axis. A rectangle is a rectilinear polygon. There are four types of cylindrical structures that can be found around. Elastic section modulus and plastic section modulus. Typically the more distant fiber is of interest. The units of section modulus are length3. Section modulus is the property ...